Tuesday 14 August 2012

Our morning routine

Her name is Tessa.

She is my puppy!

She is adorable and full of personality!

She is Mark's girl.

And this morning (our last morning without Mark- waiting for him to come home from work for this fornight)...

 she decided it was time to get up!!

This, or similar versions, are regular occurances in our bed early in the morning or in the middle of the night, when Mark is off at work.


- Licking Mark's pillow- 

meaning- "I miss him"

  my response "Come here and cuddle"


- Nuzzling into my side-

meaning- "no really... I'm sad"

 my response "Stop, just cuddle!"


- Walking around the bed/scratching/then walking some more- 

meaning- "Open the door please"

my response "Stop! Go back to sleep!"


-  Jumping off the bed and pacing on the wooden floors with claws scratching- 

meaning- "really.. did you not here me before....get up!!"

my response "Ignore!"


- Still pacing!-

 my response "Fine lets get up!"

Tessa runs outside, checks her food bowl then sits on the rug with her toys and smiles at me!

She drives me crazy.
She makes me laugh.
She gets me up early every morning!

But...how can I resist this face!